Substance Abuse Programs
Our Approach
At Macomb Family Services, we approach addiction as a progressive disease that interferes with a person’s quality of life. We also see it as a social problem because of the way it impacts family members and loved ones. MFS takes a comprehensive approach to substance abuse. In addition to providing substance abuse programs for individuals and family members, we also work hard to prevent addiction through programs for young people.
Treatment Services
- Individual treatment
- Treatment groups
- Family treatment
- Treatment for partners
- Adolescent Outreach Program (school-based intervention)
Prevention Services
We work with local schools to teach students about substance abuse and give them the life skills to deal with real situations. Our programs cover many topics, and are fine tuned for students from Kindergarten all the way through High School.
Other Services
The following substance abuse services are available at any of our four Macomb County locations. You do not have to be a current MFS client or attend our substance abuse programs in order to receive these services:
- Substance Abuse Evaluation
- A substance abuse evaluation is a court-ordered or attorney-recommended evaluation that focuses on substance use and mental health history. You’ll only need to come in once. Afterwards, we will write up a treatment recommendation for you.
- Driver’s License Evaluation
- A driver’s license evaluation is a one-time evaluation and drug screen to find out whether you are ready to regain your driver’s license. Based on the results, we’ll create a recommendation for the secretary of state.
If you’re interested in either of these evaluations, give us a call to schedule an appointment. Contact us today